Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2nd Review on Lesson 01 Madinah Book 1

اسْمُ اسْتِفْهَامٍ is noun of questioning.

There are 2 nouns of questioning in lesson 01. They are :-

1) مَا   (What)

2) مَنْ  (Who)

مَا  is used to question about things that are غَيْرُ العَقَلِ (without intellect - non-human) like objects or animals or plants etc.

Examples :-

1) مَا هَذَا    (What is this?)       هَذَا قَلَمٌ      (This is a pen)

2) مَا هَذَا    (What is this?)     هَذَا جَمَلٌ      (This is a camel)

مَنْ  is used to question about things with العَقْلُ (with intellect - human/people).

Examples :-

1) مَنْ هَذَا    (Who is this?)       هَذَا وَلَدٌ    (This is a boy)

2) مَنْ هَذَا    (Who is this?)    هَذَا طَبِيبٌ    (This is a doctor)

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